팝업레이어 알림

팝업레이어 알림이 없습니다.

Not selling products to customers
make them have what
they need and want the most

Quality and Service are
fundamental, respect
talent determines everything

Beyond Solution,
Beyond Technology,
Bring the Change

What We do

Ensures the greatest satisfaction and needs of our customers
Technical Solution Partner, JM TECHNOLOGY

Founded in 2023, JM TECHNOLOGY is a technical talent team based on excellent high-quality technical personnel and a wide range of work areas.
Through rapid development in recent years, we have already released rich intellectual products based on frequent R&D and constant technological innovation.

Our Solution

Web/Mobile/Application Development

Web: Blog/News Site, Personal/Company Site, Booking Site, Real Estate Site, Education SaaS App, Coaching and Advice Site, Internet Marketing Site, Image/Music/Video Discovery Community, Social Site, Lead Generation, Online Quote Site, Property Management System, Local Guide Site, Food/Products Order & Delivery Site, Intranet Platform

Mobile: Photo/Multimedia Editing App, Dating/Chat App, Shopping App, Health Care/Fitness App, Food/Fuel Order & Delivery App, Booking App, Taxi App, Streaming App, City Guide App, Online Coaching App

Financial & Trading systems

Price Comparison System, Insurance Comparison System, Crowdfunding Platform, Sport Betting Platform, Multi-tenant Trading Platform, Exchange Platform, Payment, Portal

Blockchain Development

Token/Coin, Exchange/Trading Platform, dApp, Wallet System

Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence

Market Analysis, Expression Detection, Text/Speech Detection, Trading Bot, Sneaker Bot, Bidding Bot, Web Scrapping, Social Bot

Software Development
Our Technology Consulting focuses on delivering solutions across the following critical.
Bluetooth Keyboard(60, 65key)

Main Chips: Atmega32u4, RN42, IS31FL3733, IS31FL3731

Technology: PCBA, Atmel AVR firmware


Main Chips: STM32F103C8T6

Technology: PCBA, firmware, Keil

Pulse Solder

Main Chip: Cyclone(EP1C6Q256C8)

Technolocy: PCBA, FPGA, VHDL, TFT LCD, Quartus II, Raspberry Pi

Hardware Development
More than 10 years of experience in embedded-based firmware and hardware design. We have a rich and gold experience with these chips.
Multimedia Production
Based on 2D (Anime, Harmony, Retas) and 3D multimedia production works, we have carried out various domestic and overseas order projects, especially in the development of Roto projects with rich experience.